When you decide to work with Paul your business will change forever!
From Police Officer To Business Owner!
As a former Victoria Police Officer, Paul's roles included being a “Train the Trainer” in Defensive Tactics, Firearms and Conflict Management, a Forced Building Entry Instructor, and Siege and Hostage Negotiator.
In 1996, during a police training accident, Paul injured his knee requiring a full reconstruction. Bored out of his brain not being able to train, he ended up on the mats helping out his Sensei with classes.
Sometime later his instructor said, “There’s a building down the road that would make a good dojo, how would you like to run a club?” Paul thought, “How hard could it be?”
How’s that for a business plan?
From Helper To Head-Honcho!
After the first 12 months of operating Kando Martial Arts, Paul had 22 students. Paul and his wife were paying the rent out of their wages! Even after a flyer drop doubled student numbers, they limped along like a wounded duck for the next few years. They were pretty much teaching for free.
After getting stuck in a cycle of burning out, getting sick and starting all over again, Paul finally took on a business coach. Under this mentor, he grew the club to around 250 students. The turning point came when he stopped putting all of his energy into his students by himself and started focusing on his “business”, his staff and his leadership team.
The Turning Point!
This shift in mindset and better business practices led to a bigger facility. Then another location. Now, Kando Martial Arts School has 6 locations, 40 plus instructors and over 2500 students!
These days, Paul’s focus is on you. He established MABS to help martial arts business owners, like you, avoid the stress, heartache, long hours and financial turmoil of growing your own studio.
You’ll learn in months what took Paul over a decade to discover. We invite you to come and join Paul and his team and access an incredible community and resources to fast-track your business to game-changing success.
My wish for you.
My passion nearly caused me to burn out completely. However, the turning point was investing in my education. Since then I’ve been able to create a thriving martial arts business that allows me to teach when I want, not when I have to.
This gives me tremendous joy, plenty of freedom, financial security and the opportunity to serve my students by sharing my passion with them – this is what I want for you.
Come and join me inside MABS and let’s create this for you.